6 - 9 PM

Ship ahoy! We have been welcomed to dance tango on the deck of the Brazilian three masted ship Cisne Branco. We dance on the first night of the Tall Ships Races between 6 - 9 pm. Cisne Branco means The White Swan. It was built in 1999, is 76 metres long and part of the Brazilian navy.

The music will be entirely traditional, with an occasional Brazilian influence.

The deck is wooden and about as smooth as a regular dance floor, but for natural reasons is somewhat leaning...

We encourage our dancers to dress in the colours of the Brazilian flag: green, blue and yellow :) In case of rain there is a cover, but bring an extra sweater in case of wind.

After a few defecters, Cisne Branco is the largest ship of the festival. It's furthest out in the port of all the ships, at the south side of Nissan, close to The Ocean Stage.

Note that there's not many parking spaces and a rather good walk from the bus, so be in good time

Free entrance.
